Elite Passing Academy
Elite Passing Academy
10 Montagne Drive
Shelton, CT 06494

Phone: (203) 402-0421
Fax: (203) 402-0419

The Elite Passing Academy was founded to help skill position players prepare for their upcoming football season by teaching skills of the passing game that will enable them to perform at a higher level and enjoy the game of football even more. The camps mission is to help each athlete improve at their position through quality repetitions that focus on teaching and reinforcing crucial fundamentals as well as skills that teach offensive and defensive players how to recognize and exploit weaknesses and opportunities - skills that time constraints make difficult to impossible to learn and rep during the regular season.

Time will also be dedicated each day to speed-training and agilities, which are critical to becoming a successful athlete. We feel that this is the ultimate combination of training, drills and fun needed to prepare athletes for the fall. More importantly, we want every athlete to understand the significance of leadership and teamwork because those are the essential ingredients for victory. An individual can win a game, but only a team can win a championship.

Our staff is fully committed to improving football skills in athletes and preparing them for safe and successful football seasons. We encourage all quarterbacks, running backs, fullbacks, wide receivers, tight ends, defensive backs – or anyone new to football who is interested in learning football and the passing game to come to our camps.

The statement “Champions are made in the off-season” has never been truer than it is today.