Velocity Sports Performance
Founded in 1999, Velocity Sports Performance began as the brainchild of internationally-recognized coach Loren Seagrave who developed a program to train student athletes to develop their speed, power, and agility. A five-time, NCAA Track & Field Champion coach, Coach's Seagrave's client list includes over 50 Olympic medal winners, first round NFL draft picks, and professionals from virtually every sport. Velocity Sports Performance grew from his idea that enhanced mainstream athletic training - training similar to the type received by the pros - could create better, happier, less-injury prone athletes. In creating Velocity Sports Performance, Coach Seagrave wanted to help kids improve their speed, get off the bench, and stay in the game - not just for a season, but for a lifetime.
Coach Seagrave's dream - to bring modern, effective training techniques to athletes across the country - has grown from one center in Atlanta to over 60 training centers across North America, with plans to expand internationally. Today, Loren continues to teach his methods to Velocity Sports Performance coaches across the network to ensure athletes - kids and adults alike - can experience the joys of athletic performance.
Velocity Sports Performance is headquartered in Roswell, GA with its Service Center in Orange County, CA